Source code for ztlearn.datasets.cifar.cifar_10.cifar_10

import os
import gzip
import numpy as np
from six.moves import cPickle

from ztlearn.utils import extract_files
from ztlearn.utils import maybe_download
from ztlearn.utils import train_test_split
from ztlearn.datasets.data_set import DataSet

URL = ''

CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH      = '/../../ztlearn/datasets/cifar/cifar_10'
CIFAR_10_BATCHES_FOLDER = 'cifar-10-batches-py'

train_files = [
test_files = ['test_batch']

[docs]def fetch_cifar_10(data_target = True, custom_path = os.getcwd()): extract_files(custom_path + CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH, maybe_download(custom_path + CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH, URL)) for train_file in train_files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(custom_path + CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH, CIFAR_10_BATCHES_FOLDER, train_file)): raise FileNotFoundError('{} File Not Found'.format(train_file)) # dont continue train_data = np.zeros((50000, 3, 32, 32), dtype = 'uint8') train_label = np.zeros((50000,), dtype = 'uint8') for idx, train_file in enumerate(train_files): with open(os.path.join(custom_path + CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH, CIFAR_10_BATCHES_FOLDER, train_file),'rb') as file: data = cPickle.load(file, encoding = 'latin1') batch_data = data['data'].reshape((-1, 3, 32, 32)).astype('uint8') batch_label = np.reshape(data['labels'], len(data['labels'],)) train_data[idx * 10000: (idx + 1) * 10000, ...] = batch_data train_label[idx * 10000: (idx + 1) * 10000] = batch_label with open(os.path.join(custom_path + CIFAR_10_BASE_PATH, CIFAR_10_BATCHES_FOLDER, test_files[0]),'rb') as file: data = cPickle.load(file, encoding = 'latin1') test_data = data['data'].reshape((-1, 3, 32, 32)).astype('uint8') test_label = np.reshape(data['labels'], len(data['labels'],)) if data_target: return DataSet(np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis = 0), np.concatenate((train_label, test_label), axis = 0)) else: return train_data, test_data, train_label, test_label