Source code for ztlearn.utils.sequence_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from .data_utils import one_hot

#                     GENERATE SYNTHETIC SEQUENCES DATA                       #

[docs]def gen_mult_sequence_xtyt(nums, cols = 10, factor = 10, tensor_dtype = assert factor >= cols, 'factor should be more than or equal to cols' lookup = cols * factor x = np.zeros([nums, cols, lookup], dtype = tensor_dtype) y = np.zeros([nums, cols, lookup], dtype = tensor_dtype) for i in range(nums): start = np.random.randint(1, cols) seq = np.arange(start, (start*cols)+1, start) x[i] = one_hot(seq, lookup) y[i] = np.roll(x[i], -1, axis=0) y[:, -1, 1] = 1 return x, y, lookup
[docs]def gen_mult_sequence_xtym(nums, cols = 10, factor = 10, tensor_dtype = assert factor >= cols, 'factor should be more than or equal to cols' lookup = cols * factor cols_p = cols - 1 x = np.zeros([nums, cols, lookup], dtype = tensor_dtype) x_p = np.zeros([nums, cols_p, lookup], dtype = tensor_dtype) y = np.zeros([nums, lookup], dtype = for i in range(nums): start = np.random.randint(1, cols) seq = np.arange(start, (start*cols)+1, start) x[i] = one_hot(seq, lookup) x_p[i] = x[i,:-1,:] y[i] = x[i,cols_p,:] return x_p, y, lookup